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22 December 2014

Law of mass action Or Law of equilibrium

Law of mass action Or Law of equilibrium
Law of mass action Or Law of equilibrium 

Law of mass action Or Law of equilibrium 

Introduction: The effect of concentration in reversible reaction at equilibrium was discovered by two Norwegian chemists. C.M Guldberg and P. Waage in since 1864.They studied about the relation of dynamic equilibrium between the concentrations of different species. So, their observation for the concentration of different species in reversible reaction at dynamic equilibrium is known as a law of mass action or law of equilibrium.

Statement: This law states that

The rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of active masses (concentration) of reactants at constant temperature”.

Active Masses: The representation of concentration of reactants and products in mole / dm3 or mole dm –3  or in mole / litre is called active masses. The concentration of these species are expressed in square bracket [ ]. Which shows the molar concentration.

Derivation of expression for equilibrium Constant

Consider a reversible reaction in which reactants A + B react to form C + D and the product C + D react to form the reactants A + B.

reversible reaction
Where Rf­­­ shows forward reaction and Rr shows the reverse reaction.

According to law of mass action we came to know this
1.    Rate of forward reaction (RF∝ [A][B]
Rate of forward reaction (RF= Kf[A][B]
2.    Rate of reverse reaction (Rr∝ [C] [D]
Rate of forward reaction (RrKr[C] [D]

Where Kf and Kr are proportionality constant. And at the dynamic equilibrium both forward and reverse reaction are equal. That is Rf= Rr

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As we know that

At chemical equilibrium state Or dynamic equilibrium state

Where both Kand Kr are constant. So, combined them to get one single constant. That is
Where K shows equilibrium constant and C shows the molar concentration. For more explanation


Where a, b, c and d are coefficient of balanced equations. And can be written on the top of the bracket. Such that


According to the gaseous system

When the reactants and products are in gaseous system that partial pressure of gases are taken, which describes of their concentration in solutions. For this reason we substitute Kp rather that Kc in such gaseous system. Hence

gaseous system

According to law of mass action. We get in such gaseous system

gaseous system

Where p is the partial pressure of any gaseous system and Krepresents equilibrium constant for gaseous system. Where concentration is measured by using partial pressure of gases.

Partial Pressure:The pressure exerted by an individual gas in a gaseous mixture is called partial pressure of gas and is denoted by P.

the end

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