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17 January 2015

Manufacture Sodium Metal from fused NaCl

Manufacture Sodium Metal from fused NaCl
Manufacture Sodium Metal from fused NaCl

Manufacture Sodium Metal from fused NaCl

On industrial scale sodium metal is obtained from fused NaCl by the electrolysis in the Down’s cell.

 Down’s cell is an electrolytic furnace. In the center of Down’s cell there is large graphite anode while cathode is its both opposite side.

 When electric current is passed through molten Nacl electrolysis starts. The positive ions move toward cathode and negative ion moves toward anode. And following reactions take place.

Reaction at cathod
                              Na+1    +   1e    •••►      Na (L)    

Reaction at anode
                             Cl –1               •••►     Cl    +    1e
                             Cl   +  Cl       •••►       Cl2


 The chemical substance which conduct electricity in molten state or in aqueous solution is called electrolytes.
The electrolytes conduct electricity because it contain electrons and this carry ions and result as electricity. Such as solution of salts, bases and acids.  

Types of electrolyte

There are two types of electrolytes

  • Strong electrolytes
  • Weak electrolytes

Strong Electrolytes

Those electrolytes which ionizes completely in their aqueous solution is called strong electrolytes. Such as solution of NaCl, HCl etc.

Weak Electrolytes

 Those electrolytes which do not ionize completely and ionize to some extent is called weak electrolytes. Such as Acetic acid and lime water etc.


 The chemical substance which do not conduct electricity in molten state or in aqueous solution is called non electrolytes. Such as sugar solution and benzene.

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