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18 January 2015

illuminating & Enlightening: The Day Brightening light Facts

The Onllogy is fascinating and presenting the facts about the light and is celebrating the International Year of Photon(Light).

The UN (United Nation) has published that 2015 is the International Year of Light. And to show the importance of light to everyone in this Beautiful World and also the optical Technologies and the purpose behind is only for the prosperity and developments and betterment of the society and the World.

The light figuratively and literally lights up this World and also our future in too many numerous ways but here we stuck only to  few. 
So, lets scroll down and start enjoying and lighting your life here. So, Lets go

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

The Day Brightening light

Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

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