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19 January 2015

Symptoms of Possible cancer (Everyone need to know)

Symptoms of Possible cancer (Everyone need to know)
Symptoms of Possible cancer (Everyone need to know)

The Cancer is the very dangerous diseases and May Allah keep us safe and stay away from cancer and this diseases has some very common signs and symptoms, which onllogy has listed below. There are many symptoms of cancers but a few are as follow

Signs #1: The White Patches on your tongue

If there are white Patches present on your tongue specially for the people who smokes then they should aware of this white patches present on their tongue because it is the one of common sign if leukoplakia (Pre Cancerous Area). So, it should be treated well other wise it will prove very costly for you people.

Signs #2: Before you start Reading

Before you start to read something, it is very very important and necessary to know that you are suffering from cancer Or not. So, for this always seek the doctor and medial attention as soon as you can.

Signs #3: Get tiredness easily

Whenever you are feeling that you get tired very easily then you need special attentions especially your body because the person suffering from the cancer then his/her cells of the cancer compete very easily with the normal cells of your body and these cancerous cell can take energy of your body in very high amount and then this make you to feel and get tiredness very easily and extremely.

Signs #4: The Body Weight Loss

One of the common symptoms of the cancer is that if your are suffering from it then approximately 40% out of 100% of your will weight loss. So, if you feel like that then take special care of yourself and seek the doctors.

Signs #5: Getting Headaches Continuously

One of the most common another of cancer is that if you are getting headaches continuously then you are suffering from the cancer that is Brain Tumour and just because of this, you are getting the constant and continuously headaches every time.

Signs #6: The Indigestion of Food & getting trouble in eating

If you are feeling like that you are getting really trouble in eating and also in the indigestion of food then it might be the sign of cancers and you really need to concern the doctor and medical center. And also the nausea, the flatulence and the burning of heart is just because of it.

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Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

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