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6 April 2015

Claim Your Site to Alexa (Latest - Free)

Claim Your Site to Alexa (Latest - Free)
Claim Your Site to Alexa (Latest - Free)

Claim Your Site to Alexa (Latest - Free)

Today, a very interesting article we have brought for you people that is about the Alexa Ranking. Alexa is the One of the most popular company if the amazon & Alexa was founded in 1996 and The Purpose of Alexa is that When we verified alexa for our own website, then the Alexa track all of the data and each and every contents of our website and them ALexa Provides us the Commercial Web Traffic of our own website on which, we have verified the Alexa.
When we verifies it, then it collects the data, all the contents even teh Social media contents/Data of our Website and after it, if all the are tracked by Alexa, then Alexa Rank our website very quickly and easily. If th Data is Well them the ranking of your website will be Good and excellent.

How To Claim/Verified Alexa to our Site For Free

Its very task of verifying of the Alexa for your website. Afterm jumping to the, when you go for the sign up then you can choose the plan and pay the Alexa for your site. But we all wabt to verify it for free for our own site. For that what you have to do is that. Copy and paste the URL of your website into the box, where it is written that Enter your website and then click on Go button. After, a while, all the data of the site you have sumbited will appear but its too much new, all will be empty and after scroll down it to down and you will see the button like Edit your Site Info or Information, after clicking on it then Popup window will appear and you have to choose the 2nd method for your site i-e Blogger and then cop the meta tag and paste into your site that is blogger before the </Head>, which is a close tag and Save the template and come to your account if alexa and click on Verify My Id and then Message will appear that your identy is been verifies successfully. Som by this method you can claim to the alexa for free in 2015 and Now subscribe to our blog for more news updates and also subscribe us on  our YouTube Channel for free and if you can't get this article well enough then you can watch vide ot get it clearly and Thanks a lot for reading this article.

Watch Video to Claim to Alexa for your site for Free (In Hindi and Urdu)

Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

Onlllogy is founded by Khuhsal Khan Nasr and he is the Admin (author) of this blog. He is a Web designer, Developer, Writer and having a experience of more than two year. He belongs from Quetta, Pakistan and his main aim is to promote education in his society and also to aware the people how to learn and How to earn online? so, if you need any type of help you can contact us and subscribe us for fresh news updates and also you can join us on social media.
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