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3 January 2015

What is an Acid?

What is an Acid?
What is an Acid?


The word acid derived from a latin origin Acidus which means Sour. It got that name due to its sour taste.Thus is defined as “An acid is the substance which can accept a pair of electrons”.

Characteristics of acids

1. Acids taste sour

All the acids have sour taste. Such as
a) Vinegar has sour taste because of acetic acid present in it.
b) Citrus fruits like lemon, grapes and oranges etc. has sour taste due to presence of citric acid.
c) Sour milk, sour cream, yogurt etc. has sour taste due to presence of lactic acid formed in them by the process of fermentation of lactose sugar, which is already present in it.

2. Acids turn blue litmus paper red

a) Litmus paper contains organic compounds which change their colour when come in contact with an acid or base. Blue litmus paper turns red when comes in contact with acids.

3. Acids Corrode active metals

a) You may observed that when acids leak from batteries. It corrodes metal which comes in contact with them. Acids usually react with metals to form salts and hydrogen gas. 

Aqua regia or Royal water or Royal Liquid

A mixture of one part of HNO3 and three part HCl forming ratio that is 1: 3 is called aqua regia. It is a mixture of acids and can also dissolve unreactive metals such as gold etc. Aqua regia dissolves gold due to formation of nascent or atomic chlorine which react (attack) on gold and formed gold chloride (AuCl3). And gold chloride is soluble. such reaction is as given


4. Acids produce ions in water

Acids produce ions in water. Due to which electricity can pass through water easily.

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Watch Video of Acid in Urdu and Hindi

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Source #2

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