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19 February 2015

Add Instagram widget to your blog

Add Instagram widget to your blog
Add Instagram widget to your blog

The Instagram is the Photo sharing network, where anyone can download the instagram app in his/her phone very easily and can start sharing photos on it. Its is same as facebook but without status updating. The Instagram is becoming so popular now e days and the daily active user of the instagram is approximately 200 millions and the daily photos shared or post shared on it approximately 7.3 millions. So, today we (onllogy) is going to make you people able to generate instagram widget of it for your blog/site. the simple steps for it are as follow

Steps to Get Instagram Widget

  • Go to the This link ••••►
  • After, going there. Fill the necessary form by providing your instagram username.
  • You can add hashtag or you can leave it.
  • You can also select the widget type.
  • Select the size, border, background and also the sharing buttons. after selecting and providing the information. then click on the Get code button and then select the code and paste on you blog/site and start enjoying instagram widget free.
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Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

Onlllogy is founded by Khuhsal Khan Nasr and he is the Admin (author) of this blog. He is a Web designer, Developer, Writer and having a experience of more than two year. He belongs from Quetta, Pakistan and his main aim is to promote education in his society and also to aware the people how to learn and How to earn online? so, if you need any type of help you can contact us and subscribe us for fresh news updates and also you can join us on social media.
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