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13 February 2015

Classification of Hydrocarbons

Classification of Hydrocarbons
Classification of Hydrocarbons

Classification of Hydrocarbons

The hydrocarbons are classified into the open chain or acyclic chain and the closed chain or cyclic chain and these are further divided into different parts.

Open chain or acyclic chain

 those chain of alkanes where the ends of carbon atoms are joined with each other is called open chain or acyclic chain. This chain grows in two direction without cycle formation. All the carbons in this chain is primary carbon which is directly attached to one another.

Types of open chain

There are two types of open chain.

Straight chain

 those chain of alkanes where carbon atom link with each other through single, double or triple bond and forming straight chain is called straight chain hydrocarbons. This chain also grows in two direction but all the atoms of this chain is primary or secondary.

Branched chain

those chain of alkanes which form branch chain along the straight chain or the main chain are called branched chain. In this chain at least one carbon atom must be bonded with three other carbon atoms. And all the carbon in this chain are tertiary or quaternary. On the basis of valency the open chain s further divided into two more types.

Saturated hydrocarbons

 those hydrocarbons where all the valancies are satisfied by single covalent bond and has no capacity to add further atom is called saturated hydrocarbons. Such as all alkanes.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons

 those hydrocarbons where all the valancies are satisfied by double or triple covalent bond and has capacity to add further atom is called unsaturated hydrocarbons. Such as all alkenes and alkynes.

Closed chain or cyclic hydrocarbons

 those hydrocarbons where the ends of carbons atoms are joined with each other and forming along rings is called closed chain or cyclic hydrocarbons. In this chain compounds having close structure and carbons grows in regular manner and forming a rings.

Types of closed chain

There are two types

Alicyclic hydrocarbons

 those chain of hydrocarbons which do not have any benzene ring in their structure is called alicyclic hydrocarbons. It is also called non-benzenoid compounds. Such as cyclobutane, cyclopropane etc.

Aromatic compounds

 the word aromatic derived from Greek word aroma which means smell thus it is defined as those chain of hydrocarbons which have any benzene ring in their structure is called aromatic hydrocarbons. It is also called benzenoid compounds. Such as benzene itself, naphthalene and anthracene etc.

Characteristic of aromatic compounds

it is as follow
It contain conjugate (alternate) double bonds although it is unsaturated but don’t react like aliphatic unsaturated compounds.
In cheery odur is produced by aromatic compounds. I-e benzaldehyde.
Most of the organic compounds have specific smell due to aromatic compounds.

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