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12 March 2015

Einstein's Equation of Life & Death

Einstein's Equation of Life and Death
Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part
Today, we are presenting to you people the Albert Einstein's Equations of Death and Life. Onllogy has brought the Five Videos to you people of Einstein's life to have a brief Glimpse into Past of Einstein's Equation of Life and Death. When the Albert Einstein's Gave his Big theory in 1905 to the World that was and is containing a great Idea that mass and the energy are interchangeable and later when Albert Einstein Brouhgt the revolution in the field of physics and then down of modern physics really changed the life of people by bringing new ideas and new changes. Later when EInstein Gave his concept to Nazi Germany then the Hitler Set on Project and Start working on it on the Name Nazi's Project and start experimenting on it too, to have or made the Atomic Bomb. Then Leo Sazilard wrote a letter to Albert Einstein about this and then they both realized that if Nazi Germany got ot Built the atomic bomb then it may result in a very great destruction. So, they wrote a letter to United States President and aware them about that. So, this all with a clear history is brought to you people by onllogy in the below Given Videos.

Einstein's Equation of Life & Death

The Videos are as follow

Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part 1 

Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part 2


Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part 3


Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part 4


Einstein's Equation of Life and Death part 5 

Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

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