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4 March 2015

Properties of all chemical bonds

Properties of all chemical bonds
Properties of all chemical bonds

Properties of all chemical bonds

Nature of bonding and ionic compound

 Ionic compounds are made up of ions not by the molecules. Such as Nacl, AlN, CaO etc. Properties are as follow

  • Ionic compounds have strong bond that’s why ionic compound is normally solid with high melting and boiling point. The boiling point of sodium chloride is 1413°C and melting point is 800°C.
  • Ionic compounds are soluble in polar solvent like water because polar solvent (water) arranges their molecules around ions.
  • Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity in solid state but ionic compounds are good conductor of heat and electricity both in molten and solution state. This is because the breakdown of the ionic compound and these ions can move freely and the moving ions carry the electron which result as electricity.
  • Ionic compounds are very reactive and react as fast.
  • Ionic compounds can be molded to any shape.

Nature of bonding and covalent compounds

Covalent compounds are made up of molecules formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between their atoms and their properties are as follow

  • Covalent compounds have weak bonding that’s why it is normally gases or liquid with low melting and boiling point.
  • Covalent compounds do not conduct electricity but the polar compounds conduct electricity when some ionic compounds dissolve in it. Such as Pure water do not conduct electricity only some ionic compounds impurity dissolve in it.
  • Covalent compounds are not that much reactive so do not react as fast.
  • Covalent compounds cannot be molded to any shape due to very weak intermolecular forces.

 Nature of bonding and Metals

In metals the positive charged nuclei is surrounded by the sea of electrons which act as a glue to hold atoms in metal together. The properties are as follow

  • Metals are lustrous mean shiny.
  • Metals have high melting and boiling point.
  • Metals can conduct heat and electricity both in solid and liquid state due to mobile or free electrons.
  • Metals are molded to various shapes.
  • Metals are ductile due to this property metals are drawn into wires.

Nature of bonding and polar and non-polar Compounds

The properties are as follow

  • Polar compounds are normally solid with high boiling and melting point.
  • Polar compounds are good conductor of heat and electricity.
  • Polar compounds are soluble in water.
  • Polar compounds is formed between atoms having different electronegativities.
  • Within a polar molecule each polar bond has a dipole.
  • A polar molecule always contains polar bonds but some molecules with polar bonds are non-polar.

Nature of bonding and non-polar Compounds: are as follow

  • Non-Polar compounds are normally gases with low boiling and melting point.
  • Non-Polar compounds are good insulator of heat and electricity.
  • Non-Polar compounds are not soluble in water.
  • Non-Polar compounds is formed between atoms having same electronegativity.
  • Non-Polar compounds is having no pair of free electrons.
  • Non-Polar compounds have always non-polar.

Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

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