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17 March 2015

Reduce the Load Time & Speed up your Website/blog

Reduce the Load Time & Speed up your Website/blog

Different people have different view but according to my research and experiencealmost more 80% out of 100% that is approximately all the people believe that loading time of your website or y website or blog is taken by loading and downloading the several component of the page, which is like videos, images, flash and many other things. The reason for this is that for each of these individual request of HTTP is being made. So, its mean that more the components, more the time it takes. So, now if you want to improve and modify your website pages then you have to do following steps. like

The HTTP Request Minimization

  • The Elements on your website/blog/webpage must be Streamline.
  • Whenever it is possible or you can use the CSS code instead of the images in your web pages.
  • If you have multiple or more than one css sheet file, then conbine them to a single sheet.
  • If you have used the Javascript code them reduce the code and you must have to put it in the bottom of your webpage/blog/website.

The Server Respond Time

To reduce or decrease the respond time of your server is one of the big step to make your website fast. The Server respond time of your website must be less than 200 milliseconds and if you do so then it means that you are really done.
There are follow links we have given below that may helps you to improve and speed up your website speed. These links are


To Enable The Compression (To Zip) of your website

Whenever, we made a large content post or large page of different itmes, then it really becomes very bulky and take long and long time to load and to show the contents but the way to reduce and improve you website is that you have to zip it which is called compression. To enable the compression is to decrease the bandwidth of your website/blog or the webpages. The file you have ziped or compressed is very useful because its very easy to download and make other processes easily. It is one of  the best way or option for you people to speed up and improve the load time of your sites.

To Enable the Browsers Caching Can Easily improve your site load time

Browser caching means that whenever you or any user visit or check out the sites then the HTTP request is made and is stored on your hard drive temporary and when you or users again open the same site then it opens quickly without making HTTP request again because it has already been made.

Images Optimization

The Image optimization means that you have to focus the three main things on the images of your sites/blogs etc. These three main things are

  • The Format of the images
  • The Size of the i
  • The source of the images
If the images in your websites are of larger and larger size like 2000px, then it take long and long time to load. So, for this, to improve your sites load time then you must have to crop all of the images of your site to the correct and appropriate size that may takes less time to load and appear. And also use the correct and the best format of the images. Like the best and widely use image format is JPG ro JPEG but PNG and GIF is also the best option but do not use the BMPs and TIFFs formats because it takes long time to load.

Other Steps

The other steps to speed uo your website is

  • To Minify the Sources of your websites/sites/blogs
  • To Deliver the CSS code optimization
  • Do not use the same CSS code again and again in your sheet.
After readign this article, I and Onllogy hope that it may helps you in improving and accelerating the speed of your blog/webpages/websites. For more you may like us or follow us on facebook, twitter and sibscribe us on Youtube.

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Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

Onlllogy is founded by Khuhsal Khan Nasr and he is the Admin (author) of this blog. He is a Web designer, Developer, Writer and having a experience of more than two year. He belongs from Quetta, Pakistan and his main aim is to promote education in his society and also to aware the people how to learn and How to earn online? so, if you need any type of help you can contact us and subscribe us for fresh news updates and also you can join us on social media.
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