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1 March 2015

Solubility & its factors

solubility and its factors
solubility and its factors


The maximum amount of solute dissolve in 100 grams of a solvent to prepare a saturated solution at a particular temperature is called solubility.

Solubility shows the ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent.


Factors effecting the solubility

  1. Like dissolve like principle
  2. Solute solvent interaction
  3. Temperature

Like dissolve like principle

 It is the general principle of solubility. It means that ionic polar solutes dissolves in polar solvent and non-polar solute dissolves in non-polar solvent. Such as NaCl, Na2Co3, sugar and alcohol etc.

Solute solvent interaction

 If the force of attraction between solute and solvent overcome than solute will dissolve and make a solution and if the force of attraction between solute and solvent does not overcome than solute will not dissolve and no solution will be formed. Such as NaCl is ionic solute solvent interaction will dissolve in water. This process is called solvation or solvolysis.

Effect of temperature in solubility
Effect of temperature in solubility

 It has great effect on solubility of solutes. The solubility of 95% solutes increases with increase in temperature. It include most of inorganic solutes and all organic solutes but solubility of gases is decreases with increase in temperature. As shown in the graph paper. This graph is called solubility graph.


Applications Or uses of solubility

The mixtures of solutes can be separated or purified by recrystallization. When saturated solution of such mixtures are cooled, those solute which have low solubilities will crystallize first while those have high solubilities will remain in solution.

Comparison between solution, suspension and colloids

Solution or true solution

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substance is called solution or true solution. Such as salt mixes with water a solution will be formed.


A heterogeneous mixture in which solute particle do not dissolve and is visible. Such as mixture is called suspension.

Explanation: In suspension particles are greater than 100 nm and can be seen by naked eyes.

Colloids or Colloidal solution

When a mixture of solute and solvent particles is not homogenous and its components are not visible by naked eyes. Such solution is called colloids or colloidal solution.

Explanation: The particles of this solution are greater than 1000 nm.

Example: blood, fog, smoke, paint etc.

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