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20 December 2014

Chemistry On Mars (Life Symptoms)

Chemistry On Mars (Life Symptoms)
Chemistry On Mars (Life Symptoms)

The NASA Mars Rover: detection of Organic Compounds on Planet Mars


The NASA's launched Mars rover the Curiosity has recently measured the numerous spike in Methane (as an organic compound) and also many other organic molecules/chemicals and the samples are collected by this Mars Rover Curiosity.
The Arbor said that, there are many other possible sources of the biological and the non biological like the interaction of rocks and the water."
The Mars Rover Curiosity has detected the various Martian organic compounds/chemicals in the Powder drilled from. It is the first time of various detection of the organic chemicals on the Planet Mars. But it is not sure that these Organic chemicals has been formed naturally on the Mars Or it has been come to the Planet Mars by the meteorites burning up in the space.
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The organic chemicals that is the hydrocarbons discovered there is very essential and are the building block of the life there on planet Mars. The Mars Rover Curiosity is searching for the atmosphere and many other rocks and minerals that reveal the existence of life there on the Mars and also for the favorable conditions that supports the life easily.
The John Grotzinger said that we (NASA) will keep working on Puzzles that these find the present.
The researchers were/are working and searching from a very long time in late 2013 and at the earlier 2014 and still now for the organic chemicals and compounds that supports the life on ancient planet Mars and the Mars Rover Curiosity has discovered some organic chemicals i-e hydrocarbon containing the hydrogen and the carbon.
The Roger said that this first confirmation of the organic chemicals in a rock on the planet Mars holds very much promise.
The organic compounds are very essential because these organic chemicals tell us about their chemical pathways that from where they come, formed and are preserved.
The first challenge is now that we have to find and to search for many other chemicals/compounds, minerals and the rocks that should have more various & the extensive inventories of the Organic chemicals (hydrocarbons)."
The scientists and the researchers of the Mars Rover Curiosity have also reported that the Rover has tasted of the Martian water on the planet Mars, bound into the lakebed minerals in Cumberland rocks more than 3 billion years ago, which shows that the planet Mars has lost much of its water, which is very important part of life.

life on mars

SAM has also analyzed about the hydrogen isotopes from the water molecules that this isotopes of water molecules had been locked inside the rock for billions of years and this isotopes were freed when the SAM heated the rock.
The ratio of the isotope Deuterium to the hydrogen has altered because the small (lighter) hydrogen isotope escapes from the upper atmosphere layer of the planet Mars very easily than the big (heavier) Deuterium hydrogen isotope.
The Mars Rover Curiosity is one of the best and important element of the NASA and also for research, discoveries & the preparation for the mission of human beings to the ancient planet Mars in 2030s.

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