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19 December 2014

Rutherford Atomic Model

Rutherford Atomic Model
Rutherford Atomic Model

The Rutherford atomic theory or the Model is the model or theory of the atom, which was devised by the Lord Ernest Rutherford. The Lord Ernest Rutherford directed the most popular experiment i-e the Geiger Marsden experiment in 1909. The Rutherford's new atomic theory or the model was based on the experimental observations, which was containing the characteristics of the Relatively of  strong central charge concentrated into the very small volume in an atom and this center is also containing all the mass of an atom. Thus this, center were named/called as the Nucleus of an atom later.

Rutherford Atomic Model or Theory

In since 1910 Lord Ernest Rutherford bombarded Alpha particle on a very thin i-e 0.0000004cm or 4 × 10-7 gold foil. He founded that most of the alpha particle passed through it while very few one in 20,000 deflected back at different angles.

Observation and conclusion

The following observation from his atomic theory are as follow
  • Majority of the particles passed through it which shows that most of area is empty in an atom.
  • Very few Alpha particles deflected. It means that there is very small area of positive charge in the nucleus of an atom.
  • The positive area is in the center of an atom therefore named as nucleus.
  • Mass of an atom is concentrated in nucleus of an atom.
  • Electron revolves around the nucleus of an atom.
  • The number of electron is equal to the number of proton therefore an atom is neutral in nature.

Rutherford Atomic Model

Result of Rutherford experiment

 Rutherford performed a planetary model where sun is in the center and other planets revolve around it.

Defects or Weakness of Rutherford atomic model

  • According to the classical theory of radiation or mechanics electron being the charged particle should release and produce energy and when energy is lost it should fall in the nucleus of an atom.
  • If the electron produced energy continuously then it should be from a continuous spectrum but it does not happened.
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