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10 February 2015

Free Music Apps for Android

Free Music Apps for Android
Free Music Apps for Android
Today the Music is the inspiring sound for everyone; the Music is the art of the sound. The music entertains us and makes us able to forget many worries.
The following are the free android application only for the music, to listen music all the times.

The Free Google Music Apps

The Google Music player application is the official (verified) player of the Google. It allows and enables the user to access his/her local content easily and quickly. This Music app also make us able to upload  even up to the 20K songs/music for free and can listen these music/songs very quickly too. Recently the feature added to this Music application by the Google is that the features of listen now feature. Also this music app is using up to the 8 MB of the user phone’s memory, whenever this Music application is running and working in the background.

  • By this Music application, the user can save the online play for the offline play very easily.
  • In this Music application the songs, the genres, the artists, and the albums section also work well in the best way, the user desire.
  • This Music android application also enables the user to search for his/her uploaded media very easily.

The jetAudio Music android application

It is also the free Music android application but it is the paid android application. Instead of that the user can also download this music application free version, where also a lot of useful features are still present. The jetAudio Music application is having the bundle of features useful features.
  • The useful feature of this Music application is the plug-in feature.
  • The Graphical Design of the jetAudio Music app offers a good and decent look.
  • The Useful and the interesting features are also present in its forever free version.

The MixZing music app

The MixZing Music application is very useful and well suited Music application, where it includes good features which are very easy to use. The MixZing Music application Graphical design always remains very simple but now the MixZing Music application offers a very unique look and beautiful look. By this Music application, the user can upload a lot of songs/music and can listen it very easily. The interesting fact about this MixZing Music application is that there is a file browser built feature present, which helps the user to find his/her uploaded media easily.

  • The one of the best and useful features of this Music application the auto playlist feature.
  • This Music application allows the user to search for his uploaded media quickly too.
  • The other useful feature of this application is that the managing of the library etc.

 The TTPod Music player app
It is the free android Music application and simply anyone can install it in his/her phone very easily from the app’s store and the interesting about this music app is that the TTPod Music application offers the non – native look  and also the user can install a number of themes to this Music application for free ( Because It is skinnable android app).

  • To this TTPod Music application, the user can download the beautiful skins/themes for free, which he /she like the most.
  • The useful feature of  this music app is tag and edit a song easily.
  • In this Music application a lot good features are present.

The Rocket Music Player app

The Rocket Music application inspires many people, where the free version of this Music application is available in the app’s store with a lot of useful and best features. In this Music application everything works in the best and in a very easy way. The Rocket Music application also provides the podcast section and the playback section facility. And the interesting about this music application is that it is using the user’s phone memory up to the 30 MB whenever it is playing/running in the background.

  • The Music application also provides the facility to manage our playlist very easily and quickly, where we can also select different songs/music etc.
  • The Rocket Music application is very useful and fast android music application.
  • No ads are appearing anywhere in the paid version of this music application.

The Winamp Music application

The Winamp Music player application is very well and best in its functionality. The Winamp Music application has modified their ownership but instead of this, it is still present in the Google Play for free to download. In its free version, it is very easy and simple to add the music/songs to the queue and also can save the different songs into the playing list and recently they have also added the auto playlist facility to this Music application, which is very useful for every user.

  • In functionality, the Winamp Music player application is very good.
  • The interesting fact and the feature about this Music application is that it works with the android voice commands easily and quickly.
  • This Winamp Music application uses up to the 30 MB of your phone’s memory, when it is playing and running in the background.

The Cloudskipper Music application

This Music application comes with the bundle of useful and the unique features with a different and beautiful design. The podcast player facility is also present in this Music application but unfortunately in this music application the downloader is not present. The facility of to lock the screen is also present where the user can lock the screen quickly and easily.


  • This music application offers very useful and unique features.
  • This Music application is also using up to the memory of the 12 MB of the user phone’s memory.
  • The equalizer facility of Cloudskipper Music application is very suitable and good.

Khushal Khan Nasar (Admin & Author)

Onlllogy is founded by Khuhsal Khan Nasr and he is the Admin (author) of this blog. He is a Web designer, Developer, Writer and having a experience of more than two year. He belongs from Quetta, Pakistan and his main aim is to promote education in his society and also to aware the people how to learn and How to earn online? so, if you need any type of help you can contact us and subscribe us for fresh news updates and also you can join us on social media.
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