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11 February 2015

Water, hydrosphere, its Properties and Importance

Water, hydrosphere, its Properties and Importance

Water, hydrosphere, its Properties and Importance

The Water

a colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the major constituent of the life of living things.

Effects/importance of water

  The water really effects our environment because without it no life and no environment are possible. The following are as follow
  • Water is one of the major and important part of all living organisms.
  • On earth no one can imagine life without water.
  • On earth water is available in very large amount but only in a small amount it is present for humans. Thus this little small amount effects our life mostly.
  • We use water in our daily life in large amount. Such as we use water for drinking, washing cloths and cultivation of lands etc.
  • The same water is used for preparation electricity which is really useful for us. Water has almost effects each and every part of our life and environment.


 The part of the environment which includes all the water bodies on surface of earth like oceans, seas, lakes etc. are called hydrosphere. Water on earth crust is as follow
  • About 71 % of earth’s crust consists of water.
  • About 97.5 % of total water is saline ( having salt ) that’s that water cannot be used.
  • Saline water is usually present in oceans.
  • The remaining 2.5 % is fresh water where 68.7 % of fresh water is present in the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. While 30 % is present is available if form of underground water which can be used.

Water cycle

evaporation takes place continuously from water bodies. These water vapors condense to form water droplets. Then these water drop lets floats in air as clouds and accumulate into larger drops of water which eventually fall as rain. This water cycle is being disturbed by humans in many ways. That is by industrialization and agriculture etc. This polluted water is causing diseases to both plants and animals but its duty of environmental chemists and scientists to overcome this situation.

Properties of water

 The following properties are as follow
  • Pure water is colourless, tasteless, odourless and a neutral compound.
  • It is in liquid form in normal temperature and pressure.
  • Water is called as a universal (excellent) solvent because it can dissolve many organic and inorganic substances.
  • The water is having a property that it has lesser density in solid state as compare to liquid state that’s why ice floats on surface of water and that’s the reason that aquatic life is safe and continue there.
  • The density of water in liquid state is 1000 kg/cm.
  • Water is having high heat capacity that is 4.18 J g– 1 c– 1. Which is six time greater than that of rocks heat capacity. This heat is termed a specific heat.
  • Due to higher heat capacity value water absorbs heat at day time and release at night time to maintain the temperature normal. Otherwise the temperature at night time becomes very low and will fall which can even freeze each and everything.
  • Due to only water the temperature of earth remains within a limits.
  • Water is also having a property like at 0 centigrade temperature instead of contracting water expands. That’s why in cold season water pipes at some places bursts.
  • Water is having a lot of anomalous properties which is even not understood by humans.

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