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12 February 2015

Water Borne Diseases

Water Borne Diseases
Water Borne Diseases

Water Pollution

Any substance present in water which brings any physical, biological or chemical change in the natural properties of a water and
the substances which pollute these water is called water pollutants and this process is called water pollution. The physical change refers to change in color, taste or smell of water and biological or chemical change refers to the alternation of natural properties. Such as heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury and other pollutants like organic toxic, insecticides, oils and other materials that cause cancer and is poisonous and dangerous.

Types of waste that pollutes water

 There are three types of waste that pollutes the water. First industrial wastes, second household wastes and third agriculture waste.

1 . Industrial waste

 Industry releases large amount of toxic waste in water which may or may not dissolve in it. Such has heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury and organic wastes too.


 the water pollution damages the life of all organism. Where water pollution also endanger the aquatic life and also when the polluted water is used by humans for cultivation or drinking purposes it causes fatal(to kill) effects on them. It also directly or indirectly endanger to all living thing and also to our ecosystem.

2 . Household wastes

 Households usually containing organic matters which on mixing with ground water make it unfit for drinking. Beside organic matter household wastes also contain insecticides, foods wastes, soap, garbage etc.


 Households also contain various type of germs which may cause hepatitis, cholera, GIT (Gastro Intestinal tract) and typhoid etc.

3 . Agriculture wastes

 It includes pesticides and fertilizers (both organic and inorganic). These pollutants or wastes are washed away by the water and then mixed with water reservoirs and thus pollute or contaminate the water reservoirs on large scale.


 These wastes are very dangerous for marine animals and thus killing the aquatic life. And also these wastes cause diseases to human being when the polluted water is taken or use by us.

Water Borne Diseases

Water borne diseases

 The diseases that are caused by drinking polluted water or eating the food which is prepared by polluted water is called water borne diseases.


 It can cause even death to living organism when water is polluted by the fertilizers, animals wastes, agriculture wastes, compounds of mercury, cadmium (Cd), lead, chromium, arsenic and micro – organism such as viruses and bacteria etc. some of the pollutants like high fluoride content can cause abnormalities to bone formation of living organism. There is a large list of diseases causes by germs that nourish in polluted water. Some of most common diseases are as follow

i . Gastro or Gastric intestinal Diseases

The diseases of intestinal is called gastro or gastric intestinal diseases. It is the most common diseases in our country. It is caused by micro – organism like viruses and bacteria present in polluted water. This diseases kill thousands of humans each years. The main disease of this series is cholera and diarrhea.

ii . Hepatitis

 It is the disease that damages liver and is caused by viruses present in polluted water.

iii . GIT worms

 There are many worms in GIT (Gastro intestinal tract), especially small intestine of humans. Such as round worms, hook worms, tap worms, pin worms and whip worms etc. it is also caused by polluted water.

Iv . Jaundice

 It is a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous, membranes and amounts of bilirubin in blood. It is mostly seen is liver diseases such as hepatitis or liver diseases. It may also indicate obstruction of the biliary tract for example by gallstones or pancreatic cancer.

v . Typhoid fever

 It is a bacterial diseases which is caused by spreads of polluted is a fatal (to kill) disease if not treated well. Beside these all diseases as mentioned above there are many other diseases which is linked with polluted water overt (direct) and covert (indirect). Such as Malaria where most of the viruses and bacteria has their life cycle in water hence polluted water is the main cause of disease and we should to be careful while taking the water.

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