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7 February 2015

Preparation Method of Urea

Preparation Method of Urea
Preparation Method of Urea

Preparation Method of Urea

Urea or Carbamide

Urea or Carbamide is the first synthesize by Friedrich Wohler in 1828. And the urea is a good nitrogenous fertilizers for the nitrogen source for plants. And due to slight basic in nature it is also used to reduce the acidity of the soil by decaying action of the organic matter. On commercial scale when ammonia reacts with carbon dioxide it forms urea. Such reaction is as follow
                                 2NH3 (g)   +   CO2 (g)  è     CO (NH2)2 (s)   +   H2O (I)

Industrial preparation or preparation of Urea
The following steps that are involved in preparation of urea is as follow.

1 . Preparation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen: Carbon dioxide and hydrogen is obtained by passing mixture of methane gas and steam over nickel as catalyst by heating. Such reaction is as follow
                              CH    +     2H2O      Ni/heatè       CO    +    4H2

2 . Preparation of Ammonia: The hydrogen gas produced in first step is treated with nitrogen gas at about 500°C heat and 200 atmospheric pressure to produce ammonia. That is

3 . Preparation of Ammonium Carbamate: Ammonia produced in second step is now treated with carbon dioxide to form ammonium Carbamate (NH2COONH4). Such reaction is as follow
2NH3     +     CO2      è         NH2COONH4

4 . Preparation of urea: Ammonium carbonate which is produced in last now is dehydrated by heating to obtain urea. Such reaction is as follow.

Concentration of Urea 
The urea is obtained is then concentrated by evaporating water by heating. The molten urea is obtained by heating the sprayed in a cooled tower. As result the urea drops solidify as small prills. This process is called prilling. After this urea prills are filled in bags and then sent to market foe selling.

 How the petroleum originated in the earth crust? What are the different fractions obtained from the petroleum and also describe the utilization of these fractions?

 The petroleum industry
 The word petroleum has been derived from two Latin word Petra means rocks and Oleum means oil. Thus it means rocks oil. It is a black or brownish black viscous liquid found under the earth. It is a mixture of thousands of organic compounds like gases, liquids and solids.

Uses of petroleum
 for different uses these compounds are separated in fractions in oil refiners. The petroleum is very important and plays a vital role in today’s world as it fulfils almost all the requirements of energy of human beings in today’s world directly. There are many industries that depends upon petroleum industry. Such as Plastic industry is all based upon the material which is obtained from petroleum.

Origin of petroleum
It is generally believed that petroleum is obtained from remain of microscopic plants and animals which lived in seas millions of years ago. After geographical changes these plants and some extend to animals were buried under the earth and the chemical effects of pressure, temperature, heat and bacteria converts these buried animals and plants into the organic compounds petroleum.

Mining of petroleum
The crude oil or petroleum is formed is trapped in rocks under the earth’s crust which is taken out by the tubes just like a water in a tube well but unlike a water petroleum is not so abundant therefore is found in some special areas at more depth than water. The most common method of obtaining the petroleum is extracting it from oil wells found in oil fields. After the well has been found various methods are used to recover the petroleum. Such is as follow

1 . Primary recovery method: In this method underground pressures are used to extract crude oil or petroleum. In this way about 20% of total crude oil presents is extracted.

2 . Secondary recovery method: When primary method fails to recover the petroleum then secondary method is used to recover petroleum. And about 5% to 10% of oil to surface is extracted by this method.

3 . Tertiary recovery method: When both primary and secondary method fails to recover petroleum then this tertiary method is used to reduce the viscosity of the oil in order to bring more oil to the surface.

Important fractions or utilization of petroleum

 Petroleum is a useless mixture of very useful substances which is use on various ways. After extraction crude oil is brought to an oil refinery and the refinery process utilizes the distillation technique which separate different fractions of petroleum. This process is carried out by the process of fractional distillation where different components of a mixture is separated on basis of boiling point difference. This process only consists of evaporation and condensation. From this different fractions are collected in different types of engines. And these fractions differ in number of carbon atoms per molecule as the number of carbon atoms in a molecule is increased. The boiling point, melting point and density also increase of a substance and even the fractions that contain more than 40 atoms may be solid, semi – solid or waxy solids.

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