Soft water, Hard water & its Causes
Soft water
such a water which is not
rich in minerals contents and can easily produces good lather (jhaag) with soap is called soft water.
Hard water
such a water which is rich
in minerals contents and cannot produce a good lather with soap is called hard
Causes of hardness of water
When the rain water flows
underground. It comes in contact with rocks. These rocks contain carbonates,
sulphates and chloride of calcium and magnesium etc. which is soluble in water
and water dissolves these common compounds. These salts when dissolve causes
hardness of water. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water in from atmosphere which
converts the carbonates of Ca and Mg into bicarbonates. As these bicarbonates
are soluble in water causes hardness and are really dangerous. Such reactions
are as follow
CaCO3 + 2H2O + CO2 è Ca (HCO3)2
MgCO3 + 2H2O + CO2 è Mg (HCO3)2
Types of hard water
The hardness of water is
classified on the basis of types of minerals contents. Thus if mineral is
easily removable is termed as temporary hardness or not easily removable is
termed as permanent hardness. If water contains these minerals then it is
termed as hardness of water. So there are two types of hard water. That is
- Temporary hard water
- Permanent hard water
Temporary hard water
Such hardness of water
which can easily be removed due to low mineral contents are called temporary
hard water. This hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates (HCO3–1) of Ca and Mg in water. These salts
are soluble and present in form of ions. This hardness of water can be removed
when it is warmed. The hardness will be removed. As when calcium carbonate is
heated. It converts into insoluble carbonate. This insoluble carbonate settles
down and simply decantation or filtration
gives water
free of this.
Ca (HCO3)2 è CaCO3 + 2H2O + CO2
Mg (HCO3)2 è MgCO3 + 2H2O + CO2
Permanent hard water
Such hardness of water
which cannot be easily removed due to high mineral contents are called
permanent hard water. This hardness of water is due to presence of chloride or
of Ca and Mg. these salts are also soluble in water and produce corresponding
ions in solution. This cannot be removed by heating like temporary hardness of
water because become more soluble by heating but one complex method is
available to remove this hardness that is ion exchange method etc.
Such as
+ H2O è Ca+2
+ 2Cl–2
MgSO4 +
H2O è Mg+2
+ SO4–2