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8 March 2015

Properties of Solid & its type

Properties of Solid & its type
Properties of Solid & its type

 Properties of Solid & its type

The properties are as follow

Melting point

It is defined as “The process in which the solid state is changed to the liquid state is called melting point.

Exp: The melting point of solid is so high due to strong intermolecular force among their atoms and solid objects have regular shape due to this property.


In solid the molecules do not move freely due to strong intermolecular forces and have regular shape this is the reason that solid are rigid and this process is called rigidity.


As density is mass per unit of any substance.

Exp: The solid has high density due to strong intermolecular forces therefore their volume are lesser and density are higher.

 Types of solid

 There are two types of solid

  1. Amorphous
  2. Crystalline solids

1. Amorphous solid (A mean without and morphous means Shape)

 A solid in which the particles are not regularly arranged in definite geometrical shape is called amorphous.

Examples: Glass, Wax, and gem stones etc. Glass is not true solid sometimes it is called upper cooled liquid.

2. Crystalline Solids

The solids in which the particles are arranged in a definite geometrical shape is called crystalline solids.

Examples: Crystalline solids are true solids because it has all properties of solids. Such as rigidity, Sharpe melting and boiling point, diamond, sodium chloride etc.

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